What is Palpate Roll?


There are between the skin and the deeper layers, partitions delimiting the lodges of adipose tissue. It is these cells which, depending on their tension, can give the appearance of waves and/or holes in the skin: the “orange peel” effect.

The objective of this technique is to break the various bridges existing between the lodges of adipose tissue. By equalizing the tensions of the various adjacent cells, the skin regains a smooth and homogeneous appearance.

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Palpate Roll: your anti-cellulite therapy

Recognized for years as the method to adopt to eliminate cellulite, palpate-rolling has become the flagship anti-cellulite gesture. Its practice can be done by hand or using a machine.

This massage, which helps to melt fat and improve lymphatic and venous circulation, is one of the specialties of our physiotherapists, in our KinéOParis office in Paris 9.

Palper-rolling is appreciated and very well known for being a more natural method than others, allowing, in the long term, to obtain firmer skin.

So, if you have decided to fight cellulite, our firm opens its doors to you and makes you discover all our methods of palpating and rolling.

  • What is the palpate-roll method?

    The palpate Roll is a massage practiced by our physiotherapists which is specially dedicated to people wishing to eliminate cellulite. Concretely, it consists of massaging the skin hard in order to reach the tissues in depth and activate the process of lipid degradation, also called lipolysis.

    In addition to the evacuation of fats and toxins from your body, palpate-rolling allows for better blood circulation and participates in the elimination of waste from your body.

    These massages are known to be one of the best methods to fight cellulite. It is also the best way to reach subcutaneous fat deposits and eliminate fat using a manual and natural method, which our physiotherapists adapt to their patients, according to their needs and morphology.

  • Our professional specialists in palpate roll

    You should know that there are two kinds of palpate-roll: it can be manual or mechanical.

    The first consists of a few steps of kneading, peeling off the skin and draining.

    Kneading is the softening of the skin, which will decongest the skin tissues. Then, the movements performed help to loosen the tissues and activate blood circulation.

    As for drainage, it is a “slow” movement that allows the elimination of toxins.

    Our physiotherapists practice this manual method and do not use the mechanical palpate-roll method. This involves a machine, carrying out the kneading, the detachment of the skin and the drainage. Thus, the skin is first sucked, then lifted, then rolled into the device. We have chosen to practice only manual palpation-rolling in our KinéOParis office.

    Our physiotherapists welcome you to our office, explain all the methods and advise you on what goes best with your body. The sessions last between 30 and 40min and must be regular so that the palpate-roll retains its full effectiveness.

    We will also advise you on the steps to take afterwards, in order to avoid a possible return of the fat.

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